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Video Poker

Video Poker
Video Poker guide: Video Poker rules Video Poker strategies Video Poker tips
Video Poker is also known as Draw Poker is played widely in both real casinos and online casinos. It is so popular (especially among the players who like poker) as it needs skills, the house edge is low and it is possible to play against the house. More than this, the basis of the game’s rules is the Five Card Draw Poker. The game of Video Poker can be played where the slot machines are resembled.
The place where Video Poker appeared was New York. It were Sittman and Pitt Co. who in year 1891 created the 1st video poker machine that had ten drums with ten cards in each. A player inserted a coin to set the drums spinning. And the cards which rested when it stopped springing were the cards of the player.
In the mid-70th more video poker machines appeared but they cannot be compared to the sophisticated video poker machines of nowadays. They evolved fast however and now we have the sophisticated game which is available at online casinos as well as land casinos.
What is more than this, there exist an immense number of video poker variations from which a player can choose the one he likes. All you need is to know the video poker rules and hands to start playing and enjoying the video poker game.