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Video Poker

Video Poker guide: Video Poker rules Video Poker strategies Video Poker tips
Video Poker strategies
Useful strategy of playing Video Poker
The Video Poker belong to the row of the most thrilling casino games being at the same time an intelligent game that allows players who like it to still more fun. In this article we will describe a strategy of playing video poker which is on the list of practical recommendation that may help a player to make his winning ratio bigger no matter what type of the game he plays. It would be useful to get to know the tip on how to play poker as well. Some of the advices the players may think quite obvious but it is surprising how many of them just ignore such advices.
Solutions when playing video poker
It is far from wise to break a straight to draw to a flush
In case a player has got a hand that lacks just one card to make Flush, Royal Flush, Straight Flush or just Straight, he needs to replace only the cards that go with the sequence of cards he wants to get in the end.
In case a player has got a hand with 1 pair he should replace the remaining 3 cards that do not make up the pair. And there is no need to keep any of these 3 cards. For some reason the players think that if the poker machine pays off for Jacks or higher they need to keep a Jack or a better card together with the pair they have. There are just a few cases when it works.
The player who got a hand with 2 pairs than the card that does not go with either pair should be replaced.
In case a player is dealt 3 cards of the same kind he needs to replace the 2 cards that are not of the 3.
You should always break a flush in order to draw to a royal flush.
In case a player is dealt a Jack or higher it is not wise to draw five cards.
In case a player got a pair but there are also 4 cards that can make up a Flush, Royal Flush, Straight Flush or just Straight but without just one card – the player should keep the pair but replace the 3 other cards.
Never draw to inside Straights. It means that in case you have got four, five, seven, eight, King – you should not replace the King and expect the Straight. In case you save the King there could be another and you will have a pair of kings and higher together with the royal Flush.
You should keep any kind of 4-card draw that could lead to a high payback (like Royal Flush, Straight Flush, five of a Kind).
A player should not break a straight hoping for a flush.
A player should keep all Straights and Flushes unless a royal Flush is possible.
It is not wise to draw four cards in case there is a way to draw three to get a royal flush.
A full house should be held at any time as well as 4 of a Kind, 5 of a Kind, a royal Flush or a Straight Flush. A kicker must be replaced if you have a pair. (“Kicker” is basically a card that has high value but which does not form a pair with the other cards in the hand. The kicker can be useful when determining the winner in case of a tie. But one of the important poker rules is to not keep the kicker card). So please make use of the mentioned recommendations.